Olete jõudnud KontoriRotid lahendavad veebilehele. Meie tegeleme veebilehtede loomisega. Kui soovite endale veebilehte, siis olete jõudnud õigesse kohta
Personaalsed kodulehed
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Veebilehtede haldus
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Kas IT süsteem tuleb üles ehitada otsast peale? Oleme loonud erinevaid lahendusi meie klientidele ning usume, et suudame ka teile pakkuda parimaid võimalusi.
Tee oma ideed tegelikuks
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Kõik vajalikud IT lahendused teie firmale
Unit Tests
Writing Unit Tests for your MVC .NET project Why testing your application? Unit Test writing is something every developer would come into someday. It keeps code finalized, it double checks whether code works as expected. There is even an acronym TTD – Test Driven Development, where they say you should write tests first and then…
Service class. Dependency Injection
In this chapter we are going to check how to include Dependency Injection to our program. Current progress of our project is released with here, so if you are new then you can download current version and start working on it Why we need service class? Usually when we do web applications then stuff in…
Add Search functionality
Search functionality MVC .NET project So far we have created .NEt MVC project for Todo app with CRUD operations. For current workflow I created this release tag, so if you are new to this project go ahead and start working from that. But final code for this project is still located here. So lets continue…
Edit Views, Add ViewModel, Date Validation
Edit menu items Lets start editing our views to make our app to look more professional and easier to use. First thing to note is that we would like to go to Todo folder many times, so it is reasonable to add Todo folder to our header menu. In order to change menu, lets open…