
Making websites


Mihkel Tiganik





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  • Edit Views, Add ViewModel, Date Validation

    Edit menu items Lets start editing our views to make our app to look more professional and easier to use. First thing to note is that we would like to go to Todo folder many times, so it is reasonable to add Todo folder to our header menu. In order to change menu, lets open…

  • Database, migrations and controller

    In order to create our Todo Controller/view, we need to think about database connection and Migration. Database creation includes 2 steps: Checking ConnectionString and doing Migration. Lets do connection string first. Connection String Lets name our Database as myTodoApp. Check appsettings.json file in your WebApp project, we need to include ConnectionString over there. Add following…

  • Add Projects, Packages, Model and DbContext

    Now the real work starts! So lets continue with our project. First thing what we want is separate some project parts from each other. You want to have some thought about how different parts of program work with each other. So we gonna do so that our WebApp would use reference to other Classes, but…